He is definitely no radical. "Nothing will fundamentally change" is what he promised, and what he has delivered.

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Democrats, back in 2020 and TODAY think Americans want to return to the same horrible 'normalcy' rather than fundamentally changing the capitalist hell we live in.

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Biden is a neoliberal. He's an avowed capitalist and he's pro profit🤮 He's against universal healthcare and will veto any legislation of that kind. He illegally closed the border and he's building Trump's stupid wall, breaking 26 federal laws and destroying that environment to do it. Biden is a wealthy, white man who hangs out with Joe Manchin and Moscow Mitch. He's a career politician. Hrs not the good guy and he doesn't care about any of us.

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Ya seriously. Was not expecting this from more perfect union. Hus nickname is Genocide Joe for fuck sakes! Sorry but I will be unfollowing this page. Cant stand this kind of crap worldview.

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I'm right there with you 🫂 I just read someone else claiming that the neoliberal Democrats are for the working people 🤣😂🤣

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I'd hardly consider supporting the capitalist status quo "radical". Using regulation to soften the ill effects of neo-liberalism is a baby step in the right direction however. We need a serious working class left candidate.

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I'll take how to lose your leftwing populist legitimacy for 100

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More Perfect Psy-op for the Democratic Party

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Especially after that dogshit debate performance, are you actually trying to tell young leftists that he’s actually not that bad?

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