Thanks for sharing this great news! I'm so impressed with UAW and Shawn Fain.

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It’s a really bells-are-tolling story. Wonderful to see so many workers quoted too.

But why call the non-union states as right-to-work states? Everyone has a right to work and in every state people have a right to work. Why not just call the states that bar or discourage auto workers unions as just that?

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“Right to Work” is a law states are allowed to pass since the Taft Hartley Act in the 50s. It says that workers can benefit from their coworkers union and not pay dues into it. But you’re right, it’s an Orwellian name cooked up by far right anti labor forces. Usually you’ll see pro union ppl refer to it as Right to Work (for less)

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UAW has earned my respect by calling for a permanent ceasefire in Gaza. Best news of the day.


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Tesla next! Get it!

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