Is nothing sacred? The level of greed is a rapidly metastasizing cancer.

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Privatization always results in higher bills for utility customers along with a lack of investment in infrastructure. As someone who has witnessed the continued failure of Texas’s privatized power grid, I am against all privatization of public utilities. Under privatization, Texas’s power grid has continued to deteriorate. Once again the taxpayers and customers are left with exorbitant costs, while the private utility corporations continue to draw enormous profits.

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We have Flint, Mi as a perfect example of how the local government failed its citizens.

True is, in our current culture, no one cares.

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If the government isn't working to provide its citizens access to clean water, shelter, food, education, and healthcare, it has failed its primary responsibility as a government.

Selling the land's water to a private entity not only endangers the people who need it, but it gives the private entity bargaining power over the government.

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My opinion, states haven’t properly maintained the systems. Now, they’re dumping them to private organizations. Honestly, it’s probably just the beginning. No one cares about its citizens. The dollar takes precedence over every aspect of our lives. We’re at the mercy. God help us all.

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Thom Hartmann’s substack yesterday was all about private equity & how they’re raping our country of pretty much everything. The list of companies they’ve bankrupted is miles long, & their reach is everywhere. Apparently they’ve halved the number of companies traded on the stock exchange. Its revolting. Good old Elizabeth Warren &Tammy Baldwin are trying to stop the tax loopholes for starters, but our Supreme Court is all for our new oligarchy!😡😡😡😡😡

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Everything is up for grabs, money rules.

I watched my beloved local UAW sell its members out. That sad part is, the members trusted the leaders to to do what the bargaining unit was voted in to do.

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