Not doing too well in Texas either. Legislature’s 4th Special Session was convened by Gov Greg Abbott specifically to pass bills related to school funding, teachers retirement funds and vouchers. As of this moment 2 rounds of voting and vouchers are still a no by a wider margin than expected and not really along party lines, either. The Texas House & Senate, R’s & D’s are listening to constituents. Shocked I tell you, shocked.

Nothing makes me happier than to see the DeVos crusade pounded into the ground.

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The primary problem with public schools is the lack of competition. Public schools have ZERO competition, and their results show it. It's shouldn't be hard for States to provide funding that follows the student, and parents can use that funding to pick the school they think will provide the best results. These problems are not complicated, but everyone who gains to benefit either financially or politically like to make it hard. We homeschool our several children, and we get no tax credit or anything. We still get to pay taxes to support public schools. That would not bother me so much, if public schools were doing a good job educating children. But, they're just not, and everyone knows it.

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