Au Contraire Campbell's, we've learned to make our own soups to spite you for doubling the price of a can, go ahead and throw away your advertising money you greedy pricks!

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Jun 28·edited Jun 28

Right! Plus, if I make a pot of soup at home it will feed us for multiple meals, AND it's guaranteed to actually contain visible pieces of actual vegetables and chicken. The ratio of water/broth to actual soup stuffs seems to keep getting stingier and stingier in canned soups, even as they raise prices to levels I will no longer pay.

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Thank you, casseroles taste better using my homemade soups too, no going back!

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Campbells is completely unaware of the vast amount of information now available to the public regarding the importance of feeding our microbiome, our symbiotic little friends that make vitamins, neurotransmitters, hormones, and are a vital part of our immune system and overall health. Healthy organic soil has billions of microbes in a handful. Food grown in healthy soil gives us a healthy microbiome. More people are aware of the lifestyles of people in Blue Zones leading to healthy longevity. There is more and more research validating the health benefits of an organic whole food plant based diet, If Campbells wants to remain a viable company, they will start looking at the latest research and provide food that has real nutritional value. The days of being able to use advertising to lie to the pubic are over. This is a much smarter consumer base and they require quality food. That is what has value,

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Yes! That said, there is a big gap between those who have the time and the money to eat a healthy diet. Interesting fact..There are an estimated 29,000 community gardens in the 100 largest cities in the United States.Jan 17, 2023. It's being 'in community' that human kind will be healthy and thrive.

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I am not sure that will happen. They already have a long term market of people who don't know or feel they need to know more about healthy eating. Currently, I believe if we tested the emotional level of most americans, we would find depression and or rage. You know, I know, our friends know about healthy eating, but there are large numbers of the public who've been raised differently. Exposed to different ways.. A portion of healthy eating also depends on where one lives. There are still food 'deserts' in some areas. Then there are the emotional eaters. A Big Mac...etc. I believe that women, in particular are beginning to change diets in low income areas.. For the low income, it's a matter of funds and easy access. Granted, those are generalizations. I've done a lot of volunteer work in low income areas. There needs to be more education.. There are places in some big cities where community gardens have taken hold. One has to remember that the impoverished with little to no higher education are struggling. Poverty tends to be generational and it's very hard to break out of that cycle. I volunteered at a food bank in the Pacific Northwest. We collected food that was close to being out of date. Canned goods. Frozen. And during growing season there were farmers that donated veggies and fruits that were close too being too ripe to sell. It's usually not about smarter consumer base, altho that is a real factor. It's about poverty and education. Or low paying jobs and long hours. I do believe there could be more education about food and food prep. High schools could offer those classes.

But first, one has to find ways to create belief in possibilities.. I believe if humans are going to have a future, we have to expand community empathy.

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Sam, Junior high and high schools used to offer those classes through health classes and home ec, I learned more about nutrition in my 7th grade health class than my current MD knows, We learned how to cook healthy meals on a budget in home ec. All the classes that prepare our children for living have been cut, We all also need shop class and how to manage money. All lost classes. We need to care more about how to prepare for the common good and less about how to learn to be a hedge fund manager

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I agree. How that might happen remains a mystery. Would love to hear if you have some ideas...

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At this moment in time, corporations have the upper hand..I would love to see the changes we are talking about happen! There is another factor that comes into play in America.. geography... which influences politics and diets in schools. I believe, in the end, the biggest factor for change is public choices and influencing! I used to live on an island in the. PNW. Parents got together, along with the students. There was a big fight with a private right wing religious school vs enlightend parents and middle school students. The latter backed each other.. The students started their own garden backed by parents. The religious left the area.I believe. students involved in growing their food is highly beneficial. Changes in some geographical areas take a lot longer...And those areas tend to have parents that are not healthy. But the movement has begun and I believe continue to succeed.

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This is the exact reason why brand name processed foods are not purchased for our household. They would rather spend on marketing to trick people into thinking their food is good than lower price or improve quality. Warren Buffet says if you wanna get rich avoid buying name brand anything and he's right.

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I used to eat Campbells (and competing products) when they were affordable. But nowadays, I could spend $5 on a bowl of better tasting soup at a restaurant, or make a whole big pot of soup that has less sodium and less preservatives.

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Most corporations profited greatly during the shortages brought on by supply chain issues. Those same companies doubled down after the COVID years by exorbitantly raising prices thinking that the public would somehow not notice. I hope Campbells goes out of business. Toxic water in a can.

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Campbell soups are processed crap. Many full of MSG too. There are way better, healthier brands available now. I save all poultry and beef bones to make fabulous stocks. Throwing bones away without making stock first, is like throwing dollar bills away.

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