remember when the richest in our society used to compete with each other on supporting works for the public good?

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The Roberts SCOTUS Citizen’s United, oh-so-verdant verdict, gave the green-light for money to $peak politically.

Here in this Billionaires’ gang’s flood of donations in support of Trump we may see how money-speech may be able to further promote the consolidation of money-speech.

But not to worry: SCOTUS sez it’s OK to arrest people who can’t afford a place in which to live.

If you’re NOT a billionaire with a VOID ego that can never be filled with enough dollars, please vote Blue all the way in the upcoming election, regardless of how Biden has slurred his speech his whole life.

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And don't forget to tip your SCrOTUS justice! Remember, it's not illegal if it's a "gratuity" after they ruled in your favor!

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In what fucking insane world are there five dozen billionaires? Time to dust off the guillotines!

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While there are distinct and important, critical, differences between trump, Biden, they both do and will serve the industrial-technology class. The "elites", called so just because they have money. Boatloads of it. Make no mistake about it- if the president, if the legislature, served the people, our society would look a lot different. Whomever is in office, they will serve their masters.

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“At least 63 billionaires have now publicly endorsed Trump, hosted a fundraiser for him, or contributed to Trump campaign groups”. This is the court to the new would be king, If at first you don’t succeed coup coup again, They believe they are superior, entitled, and we the people, the peons , the surfs are here to serve them. They have had their minions remove many regulations, laws, and cultural gains. Can the will of the people, the vote, turn this tide back or are we doomed for a Christofascist oligarchical dictatorship? I wish I knew .

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How many billionaires back Harris/Walz? I think the number Forbes shared is 81

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How many billionaires back Harris/Walz? I think that number is 81

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I’m glad these people are pissing away their money (even if we’re living in some really dark times).

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Jul 22
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Trump did not implement more tax cuts for the (non-existent classification) middle class.

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Trump implemented some of the largest tax cuts in history for both middle class and wealthy. However, he also increased our federal debt by $8T because he failed to reduce spending in tandem

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