The simple truth is companies will not comply with rules that are effectively toothless. It’s cheaper to pay the occasional insignificant fine than the cost of full time compliance.

The Texas rules about eliminating heat relief for employees is unbelievably egregious when outdoor temperatures are in the danger zone for human survival. Worse is that a few years of heat related deaths won’t change the air conditioned legislator’s minds to reverse course.

But, federal rules protecting workers and toothy fines will take the legislators out of the equation and enable them to say “we tried but the rotten scoundrels in DC overrode us.”

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Large corporations used to consider pollution fines a cost of doing business. They got serious once their executives could be jailed for violations. Obviously this will be a hard sell in “right to starve”states. Reading Upton Sinclair’s The Jungle is a reminder about the consequences of ignoring workers safety. Union Strong!

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Too many employers are making people work without pay. Also, work breaks and 30 minute lunch/dinner break are treated as luxuries—not rights. Hourly employees are working overtime without compensation. Every job I have ever worked demanded that I work without compensation. The most egregious employers are in childcare and education fields.

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