It's criminal that short-term rentals take precedence over housing when there's such a shortage. I'm glad to see this bill, and hope it passes. Thanks for posting.

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The same people that voted for this, and that want to demonize people that monetize their homes, all probably have a spare room? an office? hell did you dare to have children, and take up rooms, when you might have homed someone else? Did you bother to ask the elected officials if they have a place in their home and why it isn't rented? Why aren't they being fined for not renting out a spare space?

people are so incredibly hypocritical....why not fine everyone that has an extra room in their home they aren't renting? Want to blame the STR folks that bring so many $s into our communities and create so very many jobs, instead of bothering to look at your own contributions to the "housing crisis"? The Harvard Housing studies showed that 35-45% of tenants in the U.S. demand to live alone....there's your housing crisis....plus how could their not be a crisis, when people continue to have more and more children? please start thinking people, instead of just wanting to find an easy target to point at, probably not even realizing that much of the propaganda against STRs is incited by the powerful hotel lobbyists, who have had such a powerful mandate making it so only rich people could afford to travel, when STRs now allow many more to visit our neighborhoods and get the inside line, with the people that live here. Many, many people now days have the need to monetize their homes just to be able afford to stay in them. They had roommates their whole lives, raised children etc etc, and now might not be able to stand a permanent roommate for whatever reason. And now those folks that do have the money for a second home are supposed to let it sit empty, instead of sharing it with folks that travel? That's some kinda special elitism! Got a bathtub?!

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Nobody says they can’t rent them out, they still can. They just can’t rent them short term, only long term. Too bad you typed all of that out only for it to be declared greedy nonsense with two sentences.

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They should give the short term rentals to homeless folks if the owners of the rentals aren't living in them.

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